What is SALSA-SGC?
The Sporadic ALS Australia – Systems Genomics Consortium (SALSA-SGC) brings together MND researchers and clinicians in Australia to establish a national resource of data and biological samples for MND research.

How did we come about?
In August 2014, the ALS/MND Ice Bucket Challenge swept the world to raise awareness and research funds for motor neurone disease (MND).
More than 2.4 million tagged videos circulated on Facebook featuring an assortment of people gasping in the wake of a bucket of ice and water dumped over their heads.
In Australia alone, over $3 million was donated to support MND research and care. The MND Research Institute of Australia decided to award a single grant – their largest-ever single award – to establish the Sporadic ALS Australian Systems Genomics Consortium (SALSA-SGC).
Our goals
Our long-term vision
Biological samples taken at the first clinic visit (or before) could be used for...
Predicting disease subtypes
Useful for clinical trial recruitment and disease management
Precision medicine
Using genomic and clinical information to tailor treatments to each individual
Earlier diagnosis
Enabling treatments to be commenced earlier in disease course